Main Characters

The main characters of Corroded

The God


Elder God

Birth: Unknown | Residence : The Otherworld

Height: 3.95m | Eyes: None | Hair: None

Appearance: Dark grey-green leathery skin, skinny, authoritative stance. Deep gash on forehead. Wears ornate but decayed red robes and hood.

Character: Directive, impatient.

Want: To find his name and his old power, and seek revenge.

Need: To accept change ans loss of power and find a new purpose.

Bad habit: Does not listen to advice, thinks he knows all the answers. In short, godly hubris.

The Group

Eleanor Edwards (née Burke)

Birth: 22 Feb 1918 | Nationality: Irish | Residence: London (Whitechapel – previously Kensington)

Marital status: Married (Nathan Edwards) | Occupation: Switchboard operator

Height: 1.70m | Eyes: Blue | Hair: Auburn, medium length

Appearance: Sharp features, well dressed.

Character: Lonely, hardened.

Want: To find her missing husband and go back to her former life.

Need: To allow herself to open up and be vulnerable to build better relationships with her husband and family. To forgive her father.

Bad habit: Self centered as a way of self-preservation. Flight as a response to conflict. Inability to see things from other’s people point of view. Refuses to consider her husband as dead.

Aaron Burke

Birth: 12 Jul 1881 | Nationality: Irish | Residence: Dublin

Marital status: Widowed | Occupation: Historian

Height: 1.75m | Eyes: Grey | Hair: White

Appearance: Skinny, tense, and old. His clothes are high quality but threadbare.

Character: Scholar, obsessive, self-centered.

Want: To be respected and renowned.

Need: To accept his guilt in his daughter’s trauma, to mend things with her.

Bad habit: Always brings things to himself, often cuts people mid-sentences.

Senggum Ganbaatar

Birth: 12 Feb 1882 | Nationality: Mongolian | Residence: Peking (Beijing)

Marital status: Married | Occupation: Antiques dealer

Height: 1,68m | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Grey

Appearance: Well-dressed, often with a blend of Mongolian and European formal wear, he is rather short and chubby.

Character: Clever, dry, sarcastic but with a communicative smile.

Want: Money to live safely.

Need: Focus on his family and stop putting himself in jeopardy.

Bad habit: Always looks for a scheme, a trick or a conquest. He has a family but many mistresses.

Nathan Edwards

Birth: 17 Nov 1905 | Nationality: British | Residence: London

Marital status: Married (Eleanor Burke) | Occupation: Businessman in Shipping

Height: 1.79m | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Light brown

Appearance: Well dressed, handsome, strong postures.

Character: Confident, smart, slightly condescending.

Want: To become a peer of the realm, accepted in the highest circles, to clean his father’s reputation.

Need: To understand his actions were selfish. Discover more genuine motives and goals. Rebuild a relationship with his wife.

Bad habit: Thinks he knows better. Always tries to be in a position of superiority. Tendency to name/wealth dropping.

Louise Dupardon

Birth: 23 Aug 1921 | Nationality: French | Residence: Paris, la Zone

Marital status: Single | Occupation: Artist

Height: 1,64m | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Black

Character: Uncertain, hesitant.

Want: Wants her power gone.

Need: To find a family to belong to, to create friendly bonds, and through that find a reason and a way to exist.

Bad habit: Actively avoids confronting her problems.