The name Otherworld applies to a second world, duplicate of our own that exists from time immemorial and has followed its own evolution along the millennia. Unlike traditions in multiple cultures, it is not a mystical location but a practical one, with its own distinct history.
Physical Otherworld
- GenesisThe World In conjunction with our world (named in our cosmology, the Tellurian Plane) exists another plane of existence – the Otherworld, or Shadow Plane. Genesis – the Shift Eons ago happened a sudden burst of raw, unknown energy throughout the universe – the Shift. It split reality in two planes, the one we live… Read more: Genesis
- GeographyThe Otherworld’s geography started exactly similar to our own Plane’s when the Shift happened, thousands and thousands of years ago. Since then, both planes evolved mostly similarly in terms of continent shapes and overall geographical features. The big differences are as follow: Thicker Ice sheet, slightly lower sea level With temperatures slightly colder than in… Read more: Geography
- Sapient SpeciesThree races of highly intelligent creatures are the most spread in the Otherworld: Elkars, Kurgauns and Gerethims. Elkars Elkars are tall with a striated beige/brown skin. They were nations of warriors with a very violent caste system, but after the fall of the Elder Gods most became small clans of hunters. Kurgauns Kurgauns are small… Read more: Sapient Species
- Deep MythosWhat’s behind the Rift The rift comes from entities we cannot fathom. They created the rift to release the Shimmer, and then created the Elder Gods as slaves to build a gigantic Forge that swallowed a large portion of Shimmer and concentrated it before sending it to an unknown location.The Elder Gods were then left… Read more: Deep Mythos
Powers of the Otherworld
- The Magic of CorrodedAs described mainly in the books Potentiae Lapis Niger (The Powers of the Black Stone, by Silvius Garabella, 317 A.D.) and Þe Blaecstan Magyk (The Blackstone Magic, by Parsifal Bleckner, 1169).All magical aspects of the world derive from the same energy, called the Effluvium or Shimmer from its appearance in its less concentrated form. Alternate… Read more: The Magic of Corroded
- Powers of the EffluviumThe Effluvium can be channeled for practical use in many ways, which have not all been explored. But each use has a cost in Effluvium, consuming some of it, and often a cost for the caster’s life force as well. Foresight Effect: The caster will have visions, they are stronger and more controllable if the… Read more: Powers of the Effluvium
The Elder Gods
- A short history of the Elder GodsOrigins The Elder Gods are creatures that were shaped from Effluvium and matter by unknown entities, dozen of millennia ago. Their physiology was based on life forms present on the planet such as early Humans and Elkars. They were made of inert matter, with a nervous system and a brain infused with Effluvium to bring… Read more: A short history of the Elder Gods
- Notable Elder GodsBalor Kingdom location: Ireland Name variations: sometimes spelled Balar or BolarInvented variations: Balur, Belhur, Balhur, Baalhur, Baelor, Baelur Tuanat Kingdom location: Persia Real name: Tiamat.‘Symbol of the chaos of primordial creation.’Name variations: TI.AMAT, TAM.TUM, Θαλάττη ThaláttēAkkadian variant: danānuInvented variations: Tuamat, Tuanat, Amat, Tamat Elchor Kingdom location: England Rahkar Kingdom location: Germany Amakh Kingdom location: Libya… Read more: Notable Elder Gods
- The Tongue of the GodsThe language used by the Elder Gods is meant to be simple, concise, with context driving a lot of the understanding of a series of words.The word ordering is close to that of the English language, for simplicity purposes. Pronouns I: EMe: EkMy: EtHe: UkHis: UtHer: UtThis: AlThey: AtThem: AkWe: EutYou: UdHim: Uku Verbs To… Read more: The Tongue of the Gods